What times are your worship services?
Sunday worship is at 10:15 am and 6:00 pm.
Where should I park?
There is a car park at the front of the church or if you park on the surrounding streets please do so safely and with respect for our neighbours.
What should I expect when entering?
You will be warmly welcomed by a member of the church and given a hymnbook and church newsletter. You can sit wherever you choose.
Are visitors “singled out”?
No. We have a welcome time during our service during which we greet one another but we believe everyone has the right to worship in anonymity if they so desire. You will not be asked to stand, talk or wear a tag that identifies you as a visitor.
What is your style of worship?
It is a relaxed service that is focuses on the Biblical elements of worship. We sing some choruses as well as traditional hymns. There is freedom to laugh and cry. We are a full gospel Pentecostal church and preach, teach and function in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as revealed and taught in the Bible.
What is the preaching like and how long are the messages?
The message is usually 30 – 45 minutes long and is always an exposition of a Bible text. The message seeks to be practical ( rather than simply theoretical) and personal ( rather than academic).
Is there an “invitation” given?
Yes. In most evening services there is usually an invitation to take personal action on the message and guidance on how to make a personal commitment to Christ is regularly given.
Who can take communion? How often is communion celebrated?
Anyone who has received Jesus as their Lord and Saviour is invited to take part in the communion celebration. You do not have to be a member of this church.
Communion is shared each Sunday morning and also on the first Sunday evening of each month.
Am I going to be asked for money?
There is an offering to give those who are a regular part of the church an opportunity to give to the Lord and to support the ministry of our church. You do not have to give. We encourage Christians to give of their income but you will never be pressured to give or asked to give a certain amount.
What does membership involve?
Members must have accepted Jesus as their Saviour and Lord and indicate their desire to be a part of what God is doing at Evangel by submitting their contact details to the Pastor. There is no further requirement but we do encourage and teach baptism by full immersion for all who wish to follow Christ.
Is there any provision for my children?
Sunday School classes are held during the morning service for children and young people under the age of 15. There is also a creche at the back of the church for young children who should be accompanied by an adult.